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~ The Meridians ~

Heart ~ Small Intestine ~ Bladder ~ Kidney ~ Circulation Sex

Triple Warmer ~ Gallbladder ~ Liver~ Lung ~ Large Intestine

Stomach ~ Spleen ~ Central ~ Governing

Heart: Peak Hours: 11am - 1pm

The heart meridian starts in the center of the armpit to HT3, just inside the elbow, and ends on HT9, the inside edge of the little finger. The heart meridian is a Yin Meridian and is paired with the Small Intestine Meridian. It reveals itself through the brightness in the eyes and rules the blood and its vessels and directs circulation - it is the House of Spirit.

Your heart is really a muscle. It's located a little to the left of the middle of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body.

It Rules: blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion, adrenals, thyroid, prostate and pituitary gland.


It opens into the tongue and controls speech. Physical Imbalances: shortness of breath, cold feeling in the chest and limbs, palpitations, cold sweat, inability to speak, memory failure and restless sleep.


Emotional Imbalances: The heart is the ruler of emotions. Signs of imbalance include sadness, absence of laughter, depression, fear, anxiety, hysteria, erratic behavior, alternating joy and melancholy, dullness, yearning for love, jealousy and sorrow.

Element: Belonging to the Fire Element, the Heart Meridian is associated with warmth, laughter and enthusiasm.

Just as the summer season, associated with the Fire element, brings blossoming and maturing - the flowering of all the seeds planted in the spring - love is the blossoming of the human being. It is indeed who we are in full "bloom". Nowhere is such love felt more deeply than in the Heart. When balanced: Tranquility, gentleness, emotional balance, spirit, love, integrity, optimism, emotional and spiritual growth, zest for life, control of thoughts and senses, conscience and wisdom.

Small Intestine- Peak Hours: 1pm - 3pm

The Small Intestine Meridian starts from the tip of the little finger and crosses the wrist. It runs upwards along the posterior side of the forearm until it reaches the back of shoulder where it ends at the uppermost part of the back (the bottom of the neck). At this position, it travels externally across the neck and cheek until it reaches the outer corner of the eye and then ends in the ear. Small intestine meridian is a yang meridian and is paired with the heart yin meridian. It receives and transforms food by separating the Pure from the Impure, with the Pure becoming bodily fluids and the Impure becoming urine. This function also operates on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. This meridian is responsible for digestion, water absorption, nutrient absorption and bowel functions. 

Element: Fire

Physical Imbalances: Signs include bluish lips with white border, emaciation, profuse sweating, swellings of nodules, hemicrania, tinnitus, pain around the ear, and pain depressing the abdomen.

Emotional Imbalances: A feeling of mental deficiency due to inability to assimilate ideas, and insecurity. Forgetfulness, indecision, unclear thought process. Restlessness and difficulty in expressing emotions.

When Balanced: Healthy expressions are love, joy, warmth, vitality, excitement, memory, ability in making decisions, clarity of thought.

Bladder- Peak Hours: Peak Hours 3Ppm- 5pm

The Bladder Meridian is a Yang Meridian and is paired with the Yin Kidney Meridian.

This meridian is the longest and most complex meridian. It starts at the inner portion of the eyelid and travels across the front of the head to the back of the head. It then forms two branches that travel down the back to the sacrum along the spine. It then goes along the middle of the butt, and then to the back of the thigh. The two branches then meet behind the knee and travel between the calf along the Achilles tendon to the outside of the foot.

The Bladder Meridian ends at the outside of the baby toe.

Element: Water 

Physical Imbalances: Headaches, back problems, or urinary problems including excessive urination and incontinence, pain in the eyes, tearing and colds.

Emotional Imbalances: Lack of energy, being inflexible and fearful, resisting change and a basic negative attitude.

When Balanced: Hopeful, looking forward, calm and peaceful.  

Kidney- Peak Hours 5pm - 7pm

The kidney meridian is a yin meridian (flows upwards), controls the growth and development of bones and nourishes the marrow, which is the body's source of red and white blood cells. A weak kidney is therefore a prime cause of anemia and immune deficiency. In traditional Chinese medicine, the spinal cord and the brain are forms of marrow, and therefore poor memory, inability to think clearly, and backache are all regarded as indicators of impaired kidney function and deficient kidney energy. The Kidney meridian's vitality is reflected externally by the condition of head and body hair and is associated with the entrance hole of the ears. Tinnitus (ringing ears) is thus a sign of kidney dysfunction.

The kidneys are the seat of courage and willpower, and therefore any impairment in kidney meridian results in feelings of fear and paranoia. Fear can cause involuntary urination, a phenomenon also known to Western medicine. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste metabolites from the blood and moving them on-wards to the bladder for excretion in urine. Along with the large intestine, the kidneys control the balance of fluids in the body. In addition, they regulate the body's acid alkaline balance (pH) by selectively filtering out or retaining various minerals.

Element: Water

Physical Imbalances: Chest pain, asthma, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, impotence, hernia

Emotional Imbalances: Hysteria, paranoia, depression, fear, loneliness and insecurity

When Balanced: Wisdom, rationality, clear perception, gentleness and self-understanding.

Circulation Sex (Pericardium) - Peak Hours: 7pm - 9pm

From the starting point a branch of the main channel crosses the chest to emerge just outside the nipple.

It then ascends on the surface around the front of the armpit and flows down the arm, through the biceps muscle. At the elbow crease it passes just to the inside of the biceps tendon, then down the middle of the front of the forearm, between the heart and lung channels to the wrist. It crosses the middle of the palm to PC8 where it divides. The main channel continues to the outer corner of the middle fingernail.

Circulation Sex Meridian is a yin meridian and is paired with the Triple Warmer Meridian. Extreme or long-lasting outbursts of the Seven Emotions disrupt energy balance and can be causes of disease. Without the pericardium to protect it, the heart would be subject to damage from the strong fluctuations in energy caused by emotional ups and downs of the day.

Paired with: Triple Warmer Meridian

Element: Fire

Physical Imbalances: Disorders of the heart, chest, stomach and mind

Emotional Imbalances: Difficulty feeling and expressing emotions, depression, aversions, and phobias

When Balanced: Joy, happiness and other joyful experiences

Triple Warmer- Peak Hours- Peak Hours: 9pm - 11pm

The Triple Warmer Meridian originates from the tip of the ring finger, by the outside corner of the nail, passes between the knuckles of the fourth and fifth fingers. It continues upward between the two bones of the forearm, through the tip of the elbow, and up the back of the arm to the shoulder. It moves forward into the chest to connect with the pericardium, the upper burner, the abdomen and the middle and lower burners. Re-emerging from the chest at the collarbone, the meridian ascends the side of the neck and around the back of the ear.

This meridian is responsible for the movement and transformation of various solids and fluids throughout the system, as well as for the production and circulation of nourishing and protective energy. It is a functional energy system, involved in regulating the activities of other organs, composed of three parts, known as 'burners', located in thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. The Upper Burner controls intake, the Middle Burner controls transformation, the Lower Burner controls elimination.

Element: Fire

Physical Imbalances: Disorders of the side of the head, ears, eyes and throat as well as diseases involving the regions through which the meridian runs gallbladder meridian, circulation sex meridian and small intestine meridian.

When balanced: Kindhearted, stable mind and emotion of joy. 

Gallbladder- Peak Hours: 11pm - 1am

This meridian begins just outside the outer corner of the eye, turns down towards the ear and then up to the forehead just within the hair line, it continues downward behind the ear to the corner of the skull. It then returns to the forehead above the center of the eye and moves down the head to the bottom of the skull. It continues down the neck to the shoulder, continues down the side of the body along the ribs, to the waist and pelvic. It continues down the outside of the leg, to the ankle, ending on the outside of the 4th toe.

The Gallbladder Meridian is a yang meridian and is paired with the Liver Meridian. This Meridian's Qi (energy flow) is responsible, among other, for decision making and good judgments, as well as providing courage and initiative.


Element: Wood

Physical Imbalances: insomnia - waking up suddenly, very early in the morning and not being able to fall asleep again, tendons, tears, nails, eye diseases, glaucoma, and night blindness, stiff neck, ringing in the ears, dizziness

Emotional Imbalances: timidity, indecision, easily discouraged... and resentment.

When Balanced: courage and initiative, decision making and good judgment, sound sleep, healthy expression and processes of creativity, planning, brainstorming, analysis, and decision-making

Gallbladder Meridian Foods: 'Woody foods' - leafy greens, grains... A great habit to take on, is having a green smoothie (leafy greens + other veggies - juiced or blended) a day! Works wonders!

Liver- Peak Hours: 1am - 3am

The Liver Meridian starts inside of the big toenail, crosses the top of the foot, passes in front of the inside ankle and up the inner aspect of the leg. It continues upwards, passes the knee, continues along the inner thigh to the groin and pubic region, where it circulates the external genitals. It connects with the Central Meridian in the lower abdomen and further up enters both the liver and gallbladder. The meridian then dips into the rib cage, runs up through the throat, opening to the eye, and ends at the crown of the head where it connects with the Governing Meridian.

Element: Wood

Physical Imbalances: Liver function is reflected externally in the condition of finger- and toenails and by the eyes and vision. Blurry vision is often a result of liver malfunction rather than an eye problem.

Emotional Imbalances: The liver governs growth and development, drive and desires, ambitions and creativity. Obstruction of liver energy can cause intense feelings of frustration, rage and anger as well as irritability, resentment, jealousy and depression.

When Balanced: Kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Foods: Leafy greens

Lung- Peak Hours: 3am - 5am

This meridian begins at the lungs and from here it passes over the shoulder and down the front of the arm along the outer border of the biceps muscle. It continues down the forearm to the wrist just above the base of the thumb (LU-9). The channel crosses the height of the thumb muscle to finish at the corner of the thumbnail, passes up the middle of the windpipe to the throat and divides again, surfacing in the hollow region near the front of the shoulder.

The Lung Meridian is a yin meridian and controls breath and energy. It is paired with the Large Intestine Meridian. Together with the Heart Meridian it assists with circulation of the blood. Breathing also directly controls the autonomous nervous system. Breathing hence forms a bridge between body and mind.


Element: Metal

Physical Imbalances: Disorders of the chest, lung, throat and nose

Emotional Imbalances: The Lungs are responsible for establishing the foundation of Qi for the entire body. The Lungs are responsible for

self-protection and self-preservation. Their negative attributes are disappointment, sadness, grief, despair, anxiety, shame and sorrow.

When Balanced: Righteousness, dignity, integrity and high self-esteem.

Foods: Air... breathe!

Large Intestine- Peak Hours: 5am - 7am

This meridian begins by the outside corner of the index fingernail. It runs along the edge of the finger, between the two tendons of the thumb at the wrist joint and along the outer edge of the arm to the elbow. It continues to the outside of the shoulder muscle, then crosses the shoulder blade and travels upward over the muscle at the side of the neck to the cheek, passing through the lower gums, then over the top lip. The large intestine meridian ends beside the nostril.

The Large Intestine Meridian is a yang meridian and paired with the Lung Meridian. It controls the transformation of digestive wastes from liquid to solid state and transports the solids outwards for excretion through the rectum. It plays a major role in the balance and purity of bodily fluids and assists the lungs in controlling the skin's pores and perspiration.

Element: Metal

Physical Imbalances: Paired with the lungs, the large intestine depends on the lungs for movement via the expansion and contraction of the diaphragm, which works like a pump to give impetus to peristalsis by regulating abdominal pressure.

Sluggish bowels may be stimulated by deep diaphragmatic breathing and by tonifying lung energy.

Congested lungs and clogged bronchial passages may be cleared by purging the bowels.

Symptoms of abdominal pain, intestinal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and dysentery as well as as disorders of the mouth, teeth, nose and throat.

Emotional Imbalances: The Large Intestine meridian is affected by the emotions of sadness, grief and worry.

An energetic imbalance in the Large Intestine can result in physical weakness and provoke emotional introversion, accompanied by feelings of depression, irritability, discouragement, distress and apathy and low self-esteem

Stomach- Peak Hours: 7am - 9am

The stomach meridian starts between the lower eyelid and the eye socket, and runs down the face and loops up to the forehead. It backtracks down across the shoulder, down the ribs, along the stomach, and then down the leg ending the outside edge of the second toe.

The stomach meridian is a yang meridian and is paired with the Spleen yin meridian. It functions with the Spleen Meridian in the assimilation of Qi from food through digestion and absorption.


Stomach Meridian Element: Earth element with strong nurturing qualities.

Physical Imbalances: Digestive and stomach problems - abdominal pain, distension, edema, vomiting, sore throat, facial paralysis, upper gum toothache, nose bleeding.

Emotional Imbalances: Anxiety, worry, skepticism, poor confidence, feelings of suspicion or mistrust.

When Balanced: Fairness, openness and caring.

Foods: Root Vegetables such as carrots, parsnip, turnips, and all the other types of food that come from the earth.

Spleen- Peak Hours: 9am- 11am

The spleen meridian starts at the tip of the great toe. From there it runs along the medial aspect of the foot at the junction of the red and white skin. It continues up the inner leg, up across the groin, the stomach, through the diaphragm. It connects with the stomach and Heart Meridian.


This meridian is a yin meridian and is paired with the stomach yang meridian. The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

Element: Earth 

Element with strong nurturing qualities.

Physical Imbalances: Digestive and stomach problems.

Emotional Imbalances: Worry, poor concentration, forgetful-ness, cloudy thought process, addiction, attachment, obsession, gluttony, jealousy, self-pity, strong concern about opinions of others, stubbornness, low self-esteem, poor self image.

When Balanced: Fairness, openness, deep thinking and reminiscence, self esteem

Central Meridian

Central Meridian is a yin meridian and runs up the anterior (front) of the body, from the pubic area to the bottom lip.

The Central Meridian, plays a major role in Qi Circulation, monitoring and directing all of the Yin channels. It forms a circular entity with the Governing Meridian. In Qigong society, the Conception Vessel (Central Meridian) and the Governing Vessel (Governing Meridian) are considered the most important among the Qi channels and vessels, and must be trained first.

Governing Meridian

The Governing Vessel Meridian is yang in nature and starts from the end of the spine, it moves upward from inside the coccyx and sacrum and enters the brain. The external portion runs to the lower end of the nose bridge and ends at the top lip.

The Central and the Governing Meridians are like midnight and midday, they are the polar axis of the body ... there is one source and two branches, one goes to the front and the other to the back of the body ... When we try to divide these, we see that yin and yang are inseparable. When we try to see them as one, we see that it is an indivisible whole.

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